Saturday, February 26, 2011

The process has started....

Today I began stripping the wallpaper in my future craft/yarn room.  I forgot how much of a pain in the a$$ this is!!!  I did manage to get a good section done today but I think tomorrow I'll be able to get more done (don't want to over do it my first day!)


Currently I'm working in a space about 1 1/2 feet wide and I stubbed my toe a few times on a box.  Tomorrow the furniture is supposed to exit so I think I'll get DH to help be move my yarn totes - yes I said totes, as in more then one - out of the room and into our back Florida room to give me more room to move around.  One of my biggest challenges right now is creating a barricade to keep the boys from getting under foot and keeping them from trying to eat whatever hits the floor.