Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Meandering along

I'm trying to catch up and get the numerous quilt tops quilted that have been laying around.  I've practiced quilting on my new frame on two charity quilts, so this past weekend I was ready to tackle a larger quilt.  One guild I belong to, the South Florida Modern Quilt Guild, completed a group quilt from member contributed blocks.  After the top was pieced I volunteered to quilt it.  The quilt is being donated to Project Linus so I did a simple meandering design since I'm still new at quilting on the frame.  It took about 2-3 hours to quilt on Sunday and I love the finished quilt!

SFMQG charity quilt


This weekend I'm hoping to get my Pop of Color quilt quilted and then I will tackle quilting the Spin Cycle quilt for my niece (the deadline is approaching!)  For these two quilts I think I'll be a little daring and do a bit more than just meandering.

I'm still working on knitting socks for my DH.  I haven't done much knitting lately but hopefully I'll get the gusset of the sock completed tonight so I can work on them at knit night tomorrow.  I have been working on another Wingspan scarf worked in Noro Kureyon Sock.  So far I've had two knots in the yarn!!!

Wingspan II

1 comment:

  1. I always call myself a Fiber Freak. I am happy to see there are many more out there. I am a lttle late but glad I found you through Marcia's 2012 blogspot. I look forward to your posts in the future (#56 Follower).
